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'Comparisons which use story telling techniques and details drawn from everyday life in order to present religious truth in a way
which attracts the attention of the reader/ listener by its vividness or strangeness and thus provokes reflection and appropriate
action' ( Graham Stanton)
A concrete and dramatic form of theological language which calls for a response
The most distinctive aspect of Jesus 'teaching for which there is little parallel in the OT Nathan- David and Bathsheba- is one of
the few examples
Jesus did not speak to the crowds without a parable (Mark 4.34)
'Parable' means in Greek 'set side by side- ie a comparison. The Hebrew word mashal is important - meaning riddle or enigmatic
saying- the meaning is not obvious.lt has to be worked at and worked out
Principally parables fall into 3- a narrative, similitude or an allegory ( and also proverb or riddle). In Mt 13 we have all 3
The sower is a narrative
The mustard seed is a similitude- the kingdom of God is like- ie it can be compared to , there is a point of connection with
The wheat and tares- an explained allegory where each action/ character has a particular meaning
The gospel writers# have added
the setting ( Matthew has put ch 13 in this place in the gospel to explain why Jesus 'mission has not been successful - see
Chapter 11 and 12), and also the individual settings of the parables
beginnings and endings- e g the last shall be first and the first last
arguably in the case of the Sower the explanation which appears to reflect the church's post- resurrection experience
Modern understandings of the parables
1 A strong emphasis that each parable intended to make one point only
2.That the parables are connected with the coming of the kingdom which Jesus brings ( messenger and message) and the
proclamation of the kingdom. That many are 'crisis' parables' in that they warn of impending catastrophe and call for a decision.
They not only illustrate the kingdom but also convey something of the reality of the kingdom and have a vitality of their own. RS
Thomas- The Bright Field
That they are 'weapons of warfare' used by Jesus against his opponents - eg they sometimes arise from a testing questioner
e g the Good Samaritan, and have a 'polemic' quality
The cultural life of C1 Palestine needs to be 'recovered' so far as possible -family relationships, wedding customs, economic
life - absentee landlords,.agricultural practices, debt
The story telling and poetic techniques of the parables- repetition, the central verse, parallelism
The theological cluster- a move away from the 'single point' theory which was itself a reaction against allegorising everything,
to a belief that there are an interlocking set of theological ideas behind a parable - but controlled and limited by what Jesus and his
audience would have understood
( Kenneth Bailey , an American who lived for many years in the Middle East -Poet and Peasant)
Chapter 13
1-9 The Sower
10-17 Purpose of the parables- a human response is needed - salvation is God's gift
18-23 Explanation of the Sower ( explanation not exhortation)
24-33 3 parables of growth - wheat and tares, mustard seed, leaven - the problem of evil
34-35 Purpose of parables Note OT formula quotation
Note change of scene crowd -disciples
36-43 Explanation of parable of wheat and tares
44-50 3 further parables- buried treasure, pearl and net offish
51-53 The householder
A thematic unity which moves from initial proclamation, to fruitfulness and certainty of victory, to final judgment- so both explanation
and exhortation
Chapter 18 21-35 The unmerciful servant
Chapter 20 - The labourers in the vineyard
Chapters 21-22 3 further parables-The two sons, the tenants of the vineyard , the wedding banquet and the guest with no wedding
Chapters 24 and 25 1-30,3 further parables- The servants left in charge The wise and foolish virgins, the talents (in Luke the
parable of the pounds),
I have seen the sun break through
to illuminate a small field
for a while, and gone my way
and forgotten it. But that was the pearl
of great price, the one field that had
the treasure in it. I realise now
That I must give all I have
To possess it. Life is not hurrying
On to a receding future, nor hankering after
an imagined past. It is the turning
aside like Moses to the miracle
of the lit bush, to a brightness
that seemed as transitory as your youth
once, but is the eternity that awaits you.
Why did Jesus teach in parables?
What does the quotation from Isaiah mean?
What did they see in the parables of the Sower, wheat and tares, mustard seed, leaven, field and pearl?
How do we cope with the theme of judgment?
Parable of the wise and foolish virgins
What is the Kingdom being compared to ? Are the wise virgins selfish ?
What is the significance of the bridegroom's time of return being unknown? Who is the bridegroom ?
Parable of the talents
What is our opinion of the servant who buried his talent ? Is that the end of the story ?