Just a month and a half since opening, the new nursery at YMCA Barley Wood held an open morning for prospective
parents - and any other local interested residents - to come and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and a cake, before
embarking on a guided tour, led, in the case of this video, by the Nursery Manager, Laura Shields, who was previously
one of the staff of Wrington PreSchool, who nearly all migrated with her.
The historic house offers, both inside and out, a probably unbeatable range of accommodation, facilities, and grounds.
Apart from looking after the target age group of 0 years - primary age, the nursery is providing breakfasts and teas for
pupils at Wrington VC Primary School, and day camps for up to 11 year-olds during vacations and INSET days, for
The full range of eventual facilities can be found at <http://www.barleywoodnursery.org>
Their email address is <info@barleywoodnursery.org>
Telephone: 01934 861282