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Table template
1st male
1st female
1st male 15 & under
1st female 15 & under
1st male 11 & under
1st female 11 & under
1st male 7 & under
1st female 7 & under
1st male veteran
1st female veteran
Alan Baker
Kendra Burgess
Bradley Parker
Sophie Millard

Jack Capon
Ellie Parker
Will Tothill
Esme Beyer
Nick Jeans
Mavis Plumpton
20mins 47sec
25mins 05sec
24mins 12sec
31mins 40sec
24mins 41sec
24mins 44sec
26mins 43sec
29mins 38sec
27mins 43sec
40mins 28sec

Photos supplied by Sam Hawkins
 This year’s fun run was held in brilliant sunshine despite threats of
severe rain. As last year, the runners were started by school head-
teacher, Mrs Jane Thomas, who is moving to another post at the end
of the summer term. New features included a ‘warm-up’ immediately
before the off,  the race was one circuit for all runners, and they 
returned via the southern entrance of the Rec, through which they
have always left.