All Saints’ Wrington Archive
Wrington Website
All Saints’ Church
The Archive was set up to preserve and store items of value – documents and other objects – in a manner which conforms to professional standards. We were guided in this by Susan Morua who trained our initial team of church archivists – Joyce Smith, Veronica Thorn and Margaret Barker – by setting up our procedures for accessioning and cataloguing material. This work took many hours to carry out, and new material is still forthcoming. There are certain over-riding principles which govern how potential users of the archive may do so, and these stem from the need to care for essentially ephemeral material, avoiding damage or loss, and retaining the structured way in which they are held so they can readily be accessed from the Finding Guide which Susan set up. If you’d like to see what we have in the archive, we have a Finding Guide which lists everything we have available, so you can identify anything you’d like to read, by the folder and box in which it’s kept. Items can be accessed from the archive store only by one of our archivists, and cannot be taken out of the Reading Room for obvious reasons. So you need to fix a mutually convenient time to meet an archivist in the Reading Room. There’s a little form you complete which tells the archivists what you went to look at, and what dates and times you’ be available. Margaret Barker, Veronica Thorn Archivists All Saints’ Book Collection Updated list Finding Guide
Application to use archive Application to use archive
The Reading Room and Church Office, The Triangle Wrington