Daily Retreat                                   Day 241       Contributor:             Janet Gent	                          Wednesday 25th November
Wrington Website
All Saints’ Church
David Gent: 01934 862348 or 07773 537626 <david@rectory.org.uk> Andrew Hemming: 07584 124198 <andrewmhemming@btinternet.com> Sue Hoskins: 07771 579543 <sue@rectory.org.uk> The Church Office, The Triangle, Wrington 01934 861294 <church.office@rectory.org.uk>
Reflection Hope


Hymn: My living hope Hymn: My living hope
The song - 'My Living Hope' by Phil Wickham - lifts me up every time I hear it. It reminds us that our hope is not to be found in our circumstances, in world situations, or even in ourselves, but in Christ our King. This Advent season we are reminded that Jesus came to us to give us Hope. Hope not just for a life with Him after death, but of a lifetime spent in His presence, a life in its fullness with Him here and now. ‘How great the chasm that lay between us, How high the mountain I could not climb. When we feel the gap between us and God is too big, that’s when God steps in. His mercy and grace reach out to us through the birth of Jesus. Through God’s mercy and grace our Saviour came to a stable in Bethlehem. Hope itself had come to earth. Hope of a way to God open to all. He came as a tiny baby, but didn’t stay there for this hope was fulfilled in Christ’s death and resurrection – my favourite verse: ‘Then came the morning that sealed the promise, your buried body began to breathe, out of the silence, the roaring lion declared the grave has no claim on me’. This is so powerful – Jesus no longer the ‘slaughtered lamb’, but now the ‘Lion of Judah’ –the King of all Kings! Our hope not just for our lives, but for all eternity. And it is this hope that we look forward to during Advent. The hope that comes from knowing the end of the story. Not just the baby in the manger, but the King on His throne. This hope that God has called us his own. This hope that pervades our everyday life; everything we are; everything we do; everything we say. This hope that is imprinted on our hearts and in our lives. Hallelujah!! Prayer Thank you, Jesus for coming as a tiny baby Thank you for living a perfect life Thank you for your death and resurrection Thank you that it was all for us. Thank you for such grace Thank you for being our living hope Amen
Our Advent course starts on Wednesday 25th November at 7pm by Zoom and continues for the following three Wednesdays. We will be exploring the four Advent themes of: Hope, Peace, Comfort and Joy. We'll be pursuing the same theme on the following Sunday and for the whole of that week in Daily Retreat. No need to do anything at the moment. Simply click on this link on Wednesday evenings 7pm from 25th November: >https://zoom.us/j/7521073898> For those of us unfamiliar with Zoom, there will be a tutorial session on Tuesday 24th November 6 - 6:45 pm. To access it, simply click on the same link and follow the instructions.
Do remember to bring a mask with you. Look after each other Don't forget our Sunday on-line Benefice service too Please remember that the Benefice Office remains closed during tgis lockdown. Please contact a member of the clergy with any queries (contact details at right
Wednesday 25th November 9am Zoom Morning Prayer <https://zoom.us/j/7521073898> 7pm Advent Course <https://zoom.us/j/7521073898> Thursday 26th November 5pm Zoom Evening Prayers <https://zoom.us/j/7521073898> Sunday 29th November Public gatherings in church will still be prohibited at this point under current Covid regulations, so our only corporate worship will be via an on-line Benefice Service to be published next weekend
Unwell/Recovering within the Benefice: Mervyn Alexander, John Bennett, Robin Brooks, Bob May, Martin O'Connor, Beryl Petty, Jean Pitt, Valerie Tincknell, Mike Wool Outside the Benefice: Sheila Aumiller, Harry Banks, Sheila Campbell, Danny Carroll, Sheila Doleman, Phoebe Dowling, Tom Ekin, Tracey Gray, Howard Petherick, Henry Schofield, Janet Richards, Emily Warburton, Ann, Sara, Sarah Those who have recently died: Colin Lewis, Colin Watts Years’ Mind: [Editor's apologies. Will reinstate 'Year's Mind as soon as we can.] For those working on a vaccine against coronavirus; our healthworkers - many so tired after a year on the 'frontline'; For a peaceful transition of power in the USA; For those who are suffering as a result of this second lockdown; For those who are reduced to rough sleeping on our streets and in our hedgerows, and for those who seek to help them: the Clevedon Foodbank and The Trussell Trust, Somewhere to Go - the drop-in centre in Weston-super-Mare; For those who are sick or ill as a result of the coronavirus and those who have been bereaved; Those worried for their financial future; Bishop Peter, and his family, as he continues his treatment for acute myeloid leukaemia; Students and staff at schools and universities amid the uncertainty of Covid-19
Prayers for the Week
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