www.wrington.netNews item received from Yves Blérard Léglise 19th October, 2011Occasional news from VilleneuveThis is a translation of a text we are inserting in the December municipal gazette.A VILLENEUVOISE RECEIVES AWARD AT THE LONDON 41st WORLD SKILLSLast week The 41st World Skills event took place in London.The competition included 800 young people coming from 57 countries, including 44 from France, out of a total of 6,800 entrants.Five Languedocians had to cross the English Channel to try their luck…A Villeneuvoise, Alexia ROUX, student of communication, was awarded second place to win the silver medal in "GRAPHIC ARTS".Congratulations to the artist!!!Also to her parents and grandparents who can be proud of Alexia.[Further information about WorldSkills London on <www.worldskillslondon2011.com/> Ed]Alexia, with her parents and grandparents, receives the mayor’s congratulations in the Hotel de Ville. Congratulations from Wrington too !