Redhill WI
the beginning of this year. A big achievement.
So we arrive at September, the month of Harvest Thanksgiving. Normally a time of Produce Shows and finding out if anyone can
grow onions bigger than those of John Lee and I understand that young Ethan McClennan is making strives in that direction. This
year we may not feel we have a lot to put on the harvest table, though we have an awful lot to be grateful for. The delivery drivers
who have kept coming to our doors with supermarket deliveries or other on-line purchases. Shopkeepers who have gone to such
lengths to offer a safe shopping experience. Neighbours who have phoned regularly.
Central to Harvest is that God had provided for our needs; seeds for sowing, rain and sunshine for growth, and farmers to tend and
gather the crops. I have met a lot of people who thank God that He has, and is, providing for our needs during this crisis. For surely,
the help we have received is inspired by more than just human nature. Through this crisis we have experienced our vulnerability, our
need of God, and sensed His hand at work.
Our harvest service will be held at 2:30pm on 27th September on the Playing Field, or in the Village Hall if wet. Come, and help us
celebrate and give thanks.
May God grace us all with His bountiful love and fill our hearts with abounding hope for what is to come.